Rocky Boy Exclusive Interview with Suspirians

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July 31, 2017

Olivia Winslow

Suspirians, an all girl rock group from Austin Texas. This band is sure to rock your socks off no matter what. You can catch this amazing band live at the State Street Pub in Indianapolis on August 1st!

Rocky Boy: What digital tool has impacted your career the most?

Suspirians: Facebook, Instagram, and smartphones in general.

Rocky Boy: How do you think social media has improved your career?

Suspirians: It’s made networking with everyone so much easier. Getting and staying in touch with other bands, venues, promoters, and our fans has always been very important to us, but social media makes those interactions quicker, easier, and in many ways, better than resorting to less reliable and lengthier means like email and written letters.

Rocky Boy: What career opportunities have you received from social media?

Suspirians: Recently, a label based in Russia, Pomogrite, found us online and reached out to us about releasing a limited run of our second album on cassette tape. It wasn’t something we had really thought about doing (a cassette tape run) as we’ve stuck more with the traditional CD/vinyl runs through Super Secret Records, but so far it’s been great working with them on the tapes and now seeing them in the flesh is just awesome.

We were also offered a show from Neil Haggerty of Royal Trux who found us on Twitter. The show ultimately didn’t happen, but we were super flattered to be considered!

Rocky Boy: What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on social media?

Suspirians: We had press coverage for one of our singles before the new album came out and it featured our current press photo where I’m holding a crystal. We figured we’d use the article in an ad to help promote the new album on Facebook. Some guy apparently sees the ad and then begins trying to troll us, calling us Satanist witches! It was pretty awesome!

Rocky Boy: What is your biggest social media regret?

Suspirians: No regrets as of yet.

Rocky Boy: What is your social media strategy?

Suspirians: We try to combine all of our creative interests and endeavors under the Suspirians umbrella. That’s why you’ll of course find posts about our music, tours, merchandise, etc. but then you’ll also find things like random photos of us around town or cool videos we found online. We want to have that personal side as well.

Rocky Boy: What is the most difficult part about connecting with fans through social media?

Suspirians: While we love using social media, there are some challenges. With Facebook, we’ve noticed that the Pages don’t seem to connect you as closely to the fans. You can post cool content that people see and some fans interact with by liking it, but it’s hard to really strike up and carry on a conversation. In that regard, it feels a bit one-sided. Instagram has been a bit better on the interaction front for us, which is great, while Twitter has probably been our slowest growth channel and the one with the least interaction.

Rocky Boy: What advice would you give a musician that does not think social media is important for their career?

Suspirians: Hit the road and connect in person! There are many bands out there that refuse to use social media, no matter how much you tell them it’ll benefit and help them. Those in-person connections tend to resonate more to begin with, so make sure you’re sticking around after your set and talking with people. It really goes a long way.

Rocky Boy: Favorite social media platform?

Suspirians: Instagram is the most fun! Facebook, on the other hand, has gotten to be a bit dull.

Rocky Boy: Favorite hashtag?

Suspirians: We might be biased, but #suspirians is a pretty amazing hashtag!

Rocky Boy: What do you think is the importance of all girl rock groups?

Suspirians: All girl rock groups are vital to music because the world needs the female energy! It’s the key to raising our consciousness and re-enforces the fact that women can do anything that men can do. This isn’t a “guys only” world.

Rocky Boy: What is your favorite thing about tour?

Suspirians: Meeting new people!

Rocky Boy: What is your favorite way to interact with fans on tour?

Suspirians: Talking to fans in person and being present. Putting faces to names and hearing some of the stories people have to tell makes the long hours on the road absolutely worth it.

Rocky Boy: What advice would you give a young musician about touring?

Suspirians: Budget, plan, organize, stay healthy, and above all else – don’t be a dick.

Rocky Boy: What are three adjective to describe your music?

Suspirians: Immersive, mutable, and organic.

You can check out Suspirians on the following social media channels!



